Sunday, August 28, 2011

Parties On A Budget Ideas! #1

Parties On A Budget Ideas!

Having a memorable party does not have to cost a fortune!

There are many ways to have the perfect event without having to break the bank.
In this page, I will post ideas, recipes, and other tips & tricks for creating
delightful parties that everyone will love and the host will be able to enjoy.

This is mostly a Do it yourself procedure; However, I can also assist you in the process with
my general or personalized packages that can make your life and agenda run a lot smoother! :)

Let's Begin:


Color Scheme

By selecting a color or two as your base for your event, purchasing items to go with your scheme becomes easy and most likely cheaper.
Depending on how much time in advance you start planning your event, you might benefit from "clearance sales" and "preview sales".
For example: Stores are now more and more trying to get everyone's business. In doing so, they are bringing in new items and therefore getting rid of old season's items sooner than before.
Valentine's Day colors items (red, white, pink) were on shelves by the end of December and as of now St. Patrick's Day and Spring items are already on the shelves. By keeping up with these trends and a little bit of luck, you can purchase most or at least some of your party supplies for as little as $.50 in some stores.
Craft stores can be expensive, but if you look closely, they can also be your best bet.
Make sure you check them out in detail even before doing your trip to the dollar store. You will be surprise all the neat items you can get for almost nothing.

Remember: The most important thing to keep in mind throughout the process is to be creative and think outside the box!

Good Luck with your findings, keep me posted of what you do find! :).... and check back often or subscribe to my blog for updates on "Parties On A Budget".

"Happy Parties"

Idea #2 coming soon!

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